In 2024, Fintech Developers Are Thinking Differently About Digital Web Forms In Their Applications
Because Until Recently, They Could Never Do These Things Within Application Development
Are Your Digital Web Forms Just An Afterthought?
Until recently, forms were never treated as warranting their own discrete technology solution.
If you already have forms within your business process applications, I don’t need to convince you they’re a problem. They’re difficult to build, hard to maintain, and compromise your CX with stodgy, inflexible UIs.
To make matters worse, customers are now expecting to receive an up-to-date, sophisticated, logical experience when they come to your doorstep. We all know you only have one chance to make a first impression and digital web forms ARE that first impression.
And the behind-the-scenes bottom line is that all the data that forms process needs to be sent and received to and from various systems.
However, whenever you leverage various platforms and technologies, think Salesforce, WordPress, Mailchimp, SAP, React, Vue, etc. that each solve different problems, each might come with their own set of default forms, a commonly used 3rd-party plugin for them, or an expectation that you need to build your own forms.
All of this drives home the point that forms have been an afterthought, but they need to be treated with more R-E-S-P-E-C-T, more than “just a little bit.”
What’s Missing?
Think about this: you’ve already recognized the importance of getting the correct solution to other aspects of your technology, am I right?
You’re going to leverage a database—one with standard protocols and data strategies. You’d never build your own. Just like:
- You’re going to leverage an email provider—you’d never build one
- You’re going to leverage a front-end framework—you’d never build one (probably)
- You’re going to leverage an authentication schema—you’d never build one
- You’re going to leverage a cloud environment—you’d never build one
You would never relegate these other crucial elements of your platform to being an afterthought or to a one-off internal make-solution.
But here we are with forms and you might be thinking of building your own. I get it. Because there’s never been a 3rd-party forms solution that gives you the flexibility and control you want.
If you build your own forms solution, at least you’d know what you’d be getting, but do you really know what you’d be getting into?
Even if we set aside the significant cost and dev hours it would take to build your own forms solution (which can be 4 to 10 times more time and money), all its benefits can be an illusion.